Mayfin Cigars.
A luxury cigar company crafted in Austin, Texas by two brothers as a symbol of triumph and celebration.
Mayfin Sampler
Why choose just one of our cigars when you can enjoy all three? Get our premium cigar sampler of 3 exclusive cigars! Perfect for those who love variety or just can’t decide which cigar is their favorite. Enjoy cigars ranging from Bold, Medium, and Medium-Bold.
Primaria is where Mayfin Cigars began. The combination of long-filler tobacco from the Condega, Jalapa, and Ometepe regions of Nicaragua, bound together by tobacco from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua, all wrapped with a beautiful Oscura leaf from the Sumatra Island of Indonesia gives this cigar line a unique charcoal and cinnamon spice that is a must try for every cigar connoisseur!
Tiempo 2:11
Tiempo 2:11 is our best selling cigar line that perfectly balances long-filler leaves from the Dominican Republic and the Condega region of Nicaragua. The binder leaf is a specially selected and dried Indonesia tobacco that provides a beautiful white ash. The Habano Rosado Wrapper adds a unique level of complexity that fortifies the smooth and nutty profile that makes this cigar perfect for pairing with Coffee, Whiskey, Rum, and Wine.
Platino is Mayfin Cigar's premium line that combines uniquely creamy/spicy blend with the elegance of a shappy foot that accentuates the humble origins of this cigar. The long-filler consists of a beautiful blend of tobacco from the Condega region of Nicaragua and tobacco from the San Andres region of Mexico, a unique blend found only in Mayfin Cigars. The binder leaf is tobacco from the Jalapa Region of Nicaragua. The wrapper leaf is a stunning Mediano leaf from the Sumatra Island of Indonesia that extends over the foot of the cigar, creating the famed shaggy foot.
Veloz is a medium bold-bodied cigarillo. The combination of long-filler tobacco from the Isla de Ometepe in Nicaragua, bound together by tobacco from the Condega region of Nicaragua, all wrapped together with a beautiful Ecuadorian Rosado leaf makes this cigar a treat for those who prefer a quick and complex smoke.
Tempranillo is our best selling Long-Filler Cigarillo line, known for it's silky-smooth experience. The combination of long-filler tobacco from the Condega region of Nicaragua, bound together by a dry Indonesian tobacco, all wrapped together with a beautiful Ecuadorian Rosado leaf makes this cigar a treat for both the connoisseur and casual smoker alike.
Mayfin Membership
Join the Mayfin Family and get a FREE sampler pack of cigar and save 15% on all orders!
Mayfin Exclusive Lines
Support Mayfin and our Partners by checking out our Mayfin Exclusive Lines! We strive to uplift the community’s we are in and the businesses that help them. With this as a focal point, we partner with brands that are pillars of their communities to bring awareness to the amazing things they do through the power of Cigars
Soto & Co. X Mayfin Cigars
Two local businesses of craftsmanship, Soto & Co. and Mayfin, have joined forces to create a unique signature cigar that embodies style, sophistication, and quality. This collaboration celebrates our shared commitment to exceptional artistry, blending the refined elegance of custom tailoring with the rich tradition of cigar making. These cigars are available only at Soto & Co.