The History of Mayfin
The history of Mayfin is a story of achievement and brotherhood. Founded by two friends who grew to become brothers, they shared a love for success, ambition and the accompaniment of the like with cigars. By misfortune or great fortune, cigars united these two brothers and gave them the ability to reflect on their losses and celebrate their victories.
José Mayorga and Austin Duffin officially launched Mayfin in 2024 in order to provide the world with unique and quality personified cigars. By learning the craftsmanship of cigars firsthand in Nicaragua, these two were able to procure the finest tobacco from various countries in order to produce premium hand-rolled cigars. With careful attention to detail the brothers of Mayfin have successfully developed 3 cigar and 2 cigarillo lines, to suite the various preferred smoking experiences.
Whether you have reached the mountaintop or you are currently embracing the ascent, Mayfin was created for you. For those who have decided to take on the lifelong journey of achievement. Allow Mayfin represent the bond that brings each of you together and the garnishment that enriches your moments of triumph.